10 Steps to Living your Dream Life -
The Disney Way
is a 10 part video series which takes you step by step through a process deep reflection, with a Disney Movie quote acting as a tool for introspection.
Each quote acts as a stepping stone , down into your own rabbit hole, bringing forth to your conscious mind the hidden unknown aspects & beliefs that lay within your unconscious.
This is a process of clearing the path that blocks you from seeing that the life you desire already exists!
So, these ten steps are more of a clearing your own pathway rather than building anything new. They are a pathway for self transformation through introspection.
I share my journey as an example to inspire you enough, for you to do the same for yourself.
Each video asks you to give yourself a span for at least a couple of days to couple of weeks for you to deeply reflect on each question, which might sound easy but in real show you how to do deep inner work.
10 Steps to Living Your Dream Life - The Disney Way
10 Steps to Living Your Dream Life - The Disney Way

Step 10 When will my reflection show

"If you want to cross the bridge..." | 10 Steps to Living Your Dream Life - The Disney Way | Step 9