Ronak Mehta

Aug 5, 20202 min

The Piglet that teaches us three little lessons....

Updated: Aug 26, 2020

Did you use your money to save a piggy?! OR Did you use a piggy to save your money?!

Turning the fable of 'Three Little Piglets' into a Piglet that teaches us 'Three Little Lessons'

With this post I'd like to share the lessons we all can learn when walking on our path to Self Transformation. How everything in life, be it small or big, can help us create those  small changes  within our own selves, that enables us to see the bigger differences leading to our Self Transformation.  

Lesson 1: -

It is not as much as our actions that give us our final returns in terms of rewards, be it monetary or otherwise but rather our INTENTIONS behind those actions, while taking those actions that decide the kind of fruits and benefits we reap.

  Example:- Did you use your money to save a piggy?! 


Did you use a piggy as a bank to save your money?!

Lesson 2:- 

It is not the circumstances in life, but rather how we SEE them, that determines our actions and behavior. 

Example :- When it comes to the pig, what is the first thing that comes to your mind - Animal to save?  Food? Piggy Bank? Dirty?  Farm?  If you become aware of the unconscious - picture or impression or word,  that first comes to your mind towards any circumstances in life, you will have an advantage to understanding your own actions and behaviors in those circumstances.   This in turn allows you to make that tiny, initial yet important change needed to positively turn around your actions and behaviors towards a favorable end result!

Lesson 3:-  This is by far the most important lesson of all that the "Piggy"  from  "The Three Little Piglets"  teaches us on our path to Self Transformation -

What is your foundation? What is your building block?  What are you made of?

  • Are you made of the opinions and beliefs of others  gathered over your lifetime?

  • Have you taken in other people's programming as your own?

  •  Can any wolf in the form of people, circumstances, surroundings, etc come and shake your foundation? Blow you away?  OR

  • Have you Created your SELF, independent of outside factors?

Creation leads to Self Transformation.... Creating your own SELF,  your unshakable foundation begins with the building blocks of your INTENTIONS and how you SEE your SELF to BE LIVING. I thank you very much for #walkingwithmi today, and allowing me to share these three little lessons with you in a simple way.  I hope to have inspired you enough to create the changes within yourself, for you to be able to build a strong foundation within...... as you #walkwithmi on your journey of Self Transformation.

I thank you for choosing to #walkwithmi and trusting me enough to share this journey with me. Thank you for joining our community of like-minded people who believe that true change begins from within.

Do consider asking your friends and family to start their 3 day free trial and start their journey of Self Transformation today.
