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Ronak Mehta
Oct 20, 20203 min read
Where is your steering wheel positioned?!
In our attempt to be #right....we often go #leftnright to prove everyone #wrong. And so, as we see this illustration, the first question...

Ronak Mehta
Sep 28, 20203 min read
Redefining 'Home-Work'
Home is where your heart is, And we all have a heart within…
Work is an activity, any form of activity....
So, isn’t Home Work but a ‘Within

Ronak Mehta
Sep 21, 20202 min read
Are you an Absorber or a Gladradiator?!!
As we walk further on our path of Self Transformation, we might often find ourselves focusing more on being positive and refraining from...

Ronak Mehta
Aug 24, 20202 min read
OUT with the DOUBT
They make us question our every step.... They make us question our every move..... They crop up and they creep in, often unwanted and...

Ronak Mehta
Aug 10, 20202 min read
NASEEB - Is what i am seeing the ultimate truth?
NASEEB - Hindi word for Fate, Destiny. As we move further on our path of Self Transformation….. The questions that might pop up are - ...

Ronak Mehta
Aug 5, 20202 min read
Ego Eyes while Soul Sees!!
Are you an 'Eyer' or a 'Seer'? Are you a "Believer' or a 'Knower'? Because Remember Ego Eyes but Soul Sees! Our ego self looks through...

Ronak Mehta
Aug 5, 20202 min read
It's all about learning.... learning to ask the right questions!
'Ask and it is Given' - But then, do we 'really' know what it is that we are asking for?! 'Never stop learning..... Because life never...

Ronak Mehta
Aug 5, 20202 min read
The Piglet that teaches us three little lessons....
Did you use your money to save a piggy?! OR Did you use a piggy to save your money?! Turning the fable of 'Three Little Piglets' into a...

Ronak Mehta
Aug 4, 20202 min read
What if.....I am Okay?! What if.....I am OaK?!
As we continue further on this journey of Self Transformation, on becoming the change we want to see in our world, on seeing the change...

Ronak Mehta
Jul 15, 20202 min read
The Mind that Monkeys around Money.....
All substance is energy in motion. It lives & flows. Money is symbolically a golden, flowing stream of concretized vital energy. - The...

Ronak Mehta
Jul 12, 20203 min read
A Journey of self unto its SELF .......
A Journey of self unto its SELF is what Self Transformation is all about.
And to begin any journey in life, we must find out our WHY......

Ronak Mehta
Jul 11, 20203 min read
At the HEART of it all......
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart.” Now then, isn't it...

Ronak Mehta
Jun 18, 20202 min read
Why not....start with Why?!
A sudden career change! Once again?! As I found myself once again, switching from one career path to another in a span of two years -...
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