As I found myself helping my daughter for her CAS (Creativity, Activity & Service) project in school and coming up with some ideas for her yearly CAS project for class 11….. Suddenly, I found myself wondering what if I were to turn my own self into a CAS project?!!
Walking forward on this path of Self Transformation is all about moving forward and changing the internal formations that has become an obstacle, a sort of a web that continues to keep us stuck in our own web-formations and prevents us from living up to our highest potential.
And so, I was finding this idea of turning myself into a CAS project highly beneficial on my journey of SELF Transformation. So, how was I going to creatively and actively remove myself from this web and turn it around into a service by sharing this journey with everyone as an inspiration??
With this blog, I share with you my internal dialogue on 'How I turn this CAS project into a SELF Project' and I hope to inspire you to do just the same in your own way.
The first question was – How do I turn Myself into a Project?
Fortunately the word ‘Project’ itself was the answer. It not only meant ‘to achieve a particular aim’, it also meant ‘to extend outwards beyond something else.
· This meant, turning my aim of Self Transformation into a project, an aim that I could achieve. A sort of ‘Self Transformation’ Project.
· This also meant, extending myself outwards, beyond the frame work in which I currently saw myself. As in transforming the way I was projecting onto my own self.
The next question was – How do I turn this project into CAS?
Fortunately CAS stood for three simple yet life changing words – Creativity – Activity and Service.
· This meant ‘being and doing’ anything and everything that brought out these three qualities in me.
· This meant ‘doing and being’ all that which helps me develop these three qualities.
And finally, the question was - What am I to do in this CAS project?
Since transformation is all about changing formations, I am to turn this
CAS – Creativity, Activity, Service
Into a
SAC of Self Awareness & Consciousness
Wherein I project onto myself with Conscious Awareness:
· A Creator Self - Who is not only consciously aware of itself but who also sees itself as ‘Being the True Original Self’
- Who is consciously aware of the reactivity of its mind but also sees it transforming into a creativity of its own heart.
· An Active Self – Who is a Conscious ‘Doer’
- Who, with all its awareness, turns this creative energy into an action plan to give its Heart’s creative ideas a Form.
· A Server Self – who is a Conscious ‘Server’
- Who with all its awareness makes sure, that everything that its Creator Self becomes and what everything that its Active Self does is nothing but a Service to all who comes in contact with it.
When we walk on this path of #selftransformation, everything is nothing but an inspiration for us to #becomethechange that we want to see in our world.
#walkwithmi as we each turn ourselves into a CAS Project of Creativity, Activity and Service.
#walkwithmi as we each turn it around into a SAC of Self Awareness & Consciousness
I look forward for you to sharing in the comments- would you turn yourself into a CAS project? And if so, how?
Share this with all who might find it beneficial.
Connect with me on Instagram @walkwithmi_ronak